Below is some information for you. Please do not share this link with anyone, we want our customers to have access to this page only.

Step 1.

The machine should be placed in an insulated building (to avoid prevent freezing temperatures) with proper ventilation, access to a 110v power outlet, access to a garden hose, and placed on a level surface. Your water source should be sampled and tested prior to the machine being placed on your property to ensure water type and quality is adequate for the machine to perform at its greatest.
Step 2.

The Single-head unit will come with a yellow power cord (#1), two black 3/8'' tubing for air and water supply (#2), a water filter which threads directly to a garden hose and has a push-to-connect fitting for the 3/8'' tubing(#3), an air compressor which also supplies the power for the unit (#4), and the appropriate solenoid valve attachment with an adjustable on/off valve which can regulated flow (#5).
*grounding is internal on the Single-head unit, meaning no grounding rod is needed.
Step 3.

You're almost there...
Now, the blue on/off valve is adjustable, and acts as a flow regulator. Make sure it is open, then turn on the machine using the switch on the air compressor. The flow should be at 44ml per 60 seconds-this will equal the desired 16.5 gallons a day. You can adjust and measure until the machine is at proper flow rate. Higher flow typically means lower product N potency, but lower flow means higher potency. We keep a good balance of flow and potency, since a more concentrated product is more desirable, but adequate water flowing through the machine is important to keep it from overheating.
You are now ready to run your machine.

Storage & Setup
Store the product away from direct sunlight to avoid evaporation of N and algae growth. The product is prone to freezing which does not affect the quality of the product, but is something to consider for storage tanks. Our Single-head unit does not include an IBC storage tote like our other units, so here are some ideas for setup systems.

IBC mounted system

Barrel mounted system
Office system